روزهای گفت و گوی فرهنگی
ایران – اوکراین
به مناسبت سالگرد استقلال کشور اوکراین برنامه ای با عنوان گفتگوی فرهنگی ایران و اوکراین از روز 9شهریورلغایت 11 شهریور در شهر کتاب فرشته برگزارگردید که در شب پایانی عالیجناب سرگی بوردیلیاک – سفیر فوق العاده و تام الاختیار اوکراین در جمهوری اسلامی ایران یک نشست دوستان با خبرنگاران وارباب جراید داشتند که به دلیل زیبایی و تنوع این نشست و گفتگو بد ندیدیم به گوشه هایی از آن اشاره نمائیم.
دراین نشست که با توضیحاتی از طرف آقای علیرضابهرامی مدیر اداره اخبار فر هنگی خبر گزاری ایسنا و یکی از برپا کنندگان نمایشگاه عکس های کشور اوکراین بود آقای سفیر به ریشه های عمیق فرهنگی و حتی نژادی بین دوکشور اشاره نمودند که دو نژاد آریایی و سرو را در برمیگیرد همچنین فرهنگ ها و آداب مشترک زیادی که بین دوملت وجود دارد و اینکه بسیاری از محققان اوکراینی حتی شخص رئیس جمهور سابق این کشور با داشتن سن بالای 65 سال هرسال برای تحقیق و مردم شناسی بیشتر به ایران سفرمیکند تا از فرهنگ و تمدن ایران بیشتر بداند؛ایشان اشاره نمودند به زودی یک مرکز فوق العاده دانشگاهی برای ایران شناسی در کشور اوکراین دایر خواهد شد که درنوع خود بی نظیر است. وی در پاسخ به نقش تبادلات فرهنگی بویژه توریست اشار نمودند که خوشبختانه ما سعی نموده ایم که بهترین شرایط را برای بازدید ایرانیان از اوکراین بوجود بیاوریم و هر هفته پنج پرواز از تهران به این کشور صورت میگیرد و شایسته است با توانایی بالایی که فرود گاه امام خمینی دارد این تبادل پرواز ها بیشتر شود چراکه فرود گاه استانبول در کشور ترکیه و یا فرودگاه دوبی برای مسافران ترانزیت کشور اوکراین مقبول به صرفه نمی باشند.
دراین گفتگو جناب آقای کنسول نیز بعنوان فرد مسئول و صاحب نظر آقای سورن بالیانتس – دبیر اول در امور کنسولی در خصوص تعداد مسافرت های بین دو کشور توضیح داد؛ در سال گذشته بیش از 4000 هزار سفر از اتباع ایرانی به اوکراین سفر نموده اند ولی بدلیل پاره ای از محدودیت ها برای شهروندان خارجی و شرایط مطلوبی که برای شهروندان اوکراینی برای سفر به کشور های جهان وجود دارد علی رغم تلاش ما تعداد قابل توجهی از اوکراین به ایران سفر ننموده اند.شایان ذکر است گذرنامه اوکراین جزء 25 گذرنامه معتبر در جهان می باشد که به شهروندان این کشور اجازه میدهد سفر های بیشتری داشته باشند.
در پاسخ به چه دلایلی باعث میشود تا این تبادلات فرهنگی بین دوکشور افزایش یابد ؟جناب سفیر توضیح داد متأسفانه علی رغم استقبال خوب ایرانیان برای تحصیل، در ایران وزارت علوم مدارک دانشگاهی این کشور را به رسمیت نمی شناسد در صورتی که مدارک ایران را ما قبول داریم و مدارک ما را نیز همه جای جهان معتبر میداند!
دوستی ضمن تبریک جشن سالگرد استقلال کشور اوکراین اشاره نمود :جمهوری اسلامی ایران اولین کشوری بود که استقلال اوکراین را به رسمیت شمرد و در پاسخ سفیر با عرض تشکر از این موضوع ادامه داد بعد از استقلال، ما کشور بسیار فقیری بودیم و من شخصاً به دنبال کمک های مالی بودم، کشور ژاپن 50 میلیون دلار نقداً به ما کمک کرد ولی کشور کره ی جنوبی با تمام مشکلات خودش بعد از اینکه سفارت خانه این کشور در کیف برقرارشد سفیر این کشور به وزارت امور خارجه ما مراجعه نمود و اعلام داشت ما چه کمکی می توانیم به شما بنمائیم بعد هم چند اتومبیل و چند کامپیوتر و امکانات ساده ای این گونه را که من فکر میکنم در حدود 150 هزار دلار می ارزید به ما هدیه نمودند که هنوز خاطره این همکاری بین المللی در ذهن ما نقش بسته و امیدوارم شما ارزش این موضوع را دانسته باشید!
خبرنگاری از سلایق جناب سفیر و حتی تمایلش برای تناول غذاهای ایرانی سؤال نمود که ایشان توضیح دادند غذاهای ایرانی بسیار خوشمزه است و من همه را بخصوص زرشک پلو را دوست دارم و لی ما در اوکراین کتلتی داریم که مثل کباب های ایرانی خوشمزه است .
عزیز دیگری از مشکلات و موانع پیش رو بین دو کشور سؤال نمود که باعث شد جناب سفیر به مورد دردناکی که اخیراً پیش آمده اشاره نماید و آن این بود که یک مرد ایرانی که با زنی اوکراینی ازدواج نموده بدلیل برخورد ها و حتی کتک زدن های فراوانش باعث شد این زن به سفارت خانه پناه بیاورد و علی رغم تلاش ما بدلیل موارد قانونی ما هنوز نتوانستیم این زن را از ایران خارج نمائیم و گفتنی است این مرد شش مورد مجرمیت جنایی هم در ایران دارد که من امید وارم با رفتنم به وزارت امور خارجه ایران و پیگیری موضوع قبل از اینکه پای خبر نگاران اوکراینی به ایران باز شود بتوانیم مشکل را حل نمائیم و بدون شک بیان و پیگیری این چنین موردی وجهه خوبی در اذهان عمومی مردم اوکراین بجا نمی گذارد.
خبرنگار دیگری با اشاره به این موضوع که بانوان زیادی از اوکراین همسر ایرانی انتخاب نموده اند و بطور کلی ایرانیان به همسر دوستی مشهور هستند آرزو نمود که این موضوع هرچه زود تر حل شود و رسانه ای نگردد ! و شخص سفیر ضمن تأیید این که ایرانیان بسیار خانواده دوست هستند این مورد را استثنا دانست و اشاره داشتند که بدون شک موارد این گونه و اختلافات زنا شویی ویا موارد اخلاقی در همه جای جهان حتی اوکراین هم وجود دارد و ما نیز امید وار هستیم دولت ایران همکاری نماید و موضوع تمام شود!
در پایان جناب آقای سفیر از حضور مهمانان بویژه اعضاء محترم شرکت تعاونی مطبوعات کشور تقدیر نمود و اشاره داشتند که بدون شک کمک خبرنگاران می توند به ایجاد یک تبادل فرهنگی بسیار عالی بین دوکشور سامان بدهد و این گونه نشست ها بسیار ارزشمند می باشد.
در اینجا لازم می دانیم از حضور خوب و ارزشمند جناب آقای اولگ شاوشا – دبیر سوم سفارت که کار ترجمه را نیز بر عهده داشت کمال تشکر را به عمل آوریم .گفتنی ست در پایان این مراسم آقای دکتر بامداد جویباری مدیر مسئول روزنامه … شعر زیبایی را در خصوص عشق و دوست داشتن قرائت نمودند.
ما نیز به رسم یاد بود تصویری از جناب آقای سورن بالیانتس کنسول این کشور به همراه همسرو فرزندش را برای روی جلد این شماره تقدیم شما می نمائیم.
کارکنان سفارت اوکراین در ایران
ديپلومات ها:
– آقای سرگی بوردیلیاک – سفیر فوق العاده و تام الاختیار اوکراین در جمهوری اسلامی ایران
– آقاي آندری بیلنکی – وابسته دفاعي، وابسته نظامي- دريايي
– آقاي یوری برزنسکی – دبير اول
– آقای یوگن کراوچنکو – دبیر اول در امور اقتصادی
– آقای سورن بالیانتس – دبیر اول در امور کنسولی
– آقای اولگ شاوشا – دبیر سوم
جعفر صابری/ اتاقم
پنجشنبه یکم شهریور ۱۳۹۷

جعفر صابری /در خانه نمایش تهران
پنجشنبه یکم شهریور ۱۳۹۷

گفتگوی شبانه
پنجشنبه یکم شهریور ۱۳۹۷

: سینا حاجی آباد، هانیه حضوری
: علی پروری
: هانیه وزیرپناه
: مهدیه ثمنی
: آریا آزاد پرتو
: تصویرتئاتر
خروس نمایشنامه ای از محمد رحمانیان است
پنجشنبه یکم شهریور ۱۳۹۷
به گزارش خبرنگار تئاتر خبرگزاری آنا، خروس نمایشنامه ای از محمد رحمانیان است که از امروز با کارگردانی پیمان قیاسی، داستان عشق دختری افغان به یک خروس را روایت می کند.
اگرچه نمایش درباره حمله طالبان به افغانستان است اما با نگاهی ضدجنگ به آسیب ها و لطمه های عاطفی و روحی زنان در جنگ ها اشاره دارد.
این اثر نمایشی با بازی زهرا عظیمی، نرگس هزاره، رامین عزیزی، محمد صمدی، عالم صبوری روی صحنه می رود.
مرتضی آقاحسینی مشاور کارگردان و طراح، شهربانو محمدی منشی صحنه، حامد علی زاده دستیار کارگردان، اکبر اکبرزاده دستیار صحنه، محسن رومی طراح تیزر، مجتبی گیویان طراح نور، پیمان قیاسی طراح موسیقی و فریبا جدیدی روابط عمومی و تبلیغات مجازی آن را بر عهده دارد.
نمایش خروس تا 31 مردادماه هر شب ساعت 19:45 در خانه نمایش اداره تئاتر واقع در میدان فردوسی، خیابان موسوی، کوچه محمدآقا اجرا خواهد شد.
لازم به یادآوری است که این نمایش در سال 1382 توسط محمد رحمانیان اجرا شد و بعد از آن هم بارها با کارگردانی هنرمندان مختلف روی صحنه رفت.
انتهای پیام/4072/4031/
بنام خدا
زندگی مشترک به آخرش نزدیک شده!
خانم ها بخوانند!
آقایان بدانند!
این نوشته ها نتیجه بیش از بیست و دو سال مدیر مسؤلی اولین مجله ویژه همسران در ایران و همچنین سی سال کار در حوزه خانواده و آسیب های اجتماعی است و الزاماً شاید با سلیقه های شما هم همخون باشد بدون شک بیشتر این تجربه ها از نظر شما میتواند رد شود ولی خوشحال میشوم در ادامه همین مجموعه چنانچه مواردی به ذهنتان میرسد برایم ارسال کنید تا در چاپ بعدی به این مجموعه افزوده شود.
فرم زیر بعد از کارشناسی فراوان تهیه شده که بد نیست هر یک از زوجین در خلوت این فرم را مرور نمایند و بعضی از علل فروپاشی خانواده را بهتر بشناسند.
اگر طرف اصلی گفت وگو بیشتر خانم ها می باشند نه این است که حق با آقایان است؛ بلکه چون ناخدای اصلی خانه و خانواده زنان می باشند مورد خطاب قرارگرفته شده اند !
در ضمن اگر موردی برایتان جالب یا سؤال انگیز است می توانید از طریق شماره تلگرام زیر با من در ارتباط باشید.
لازم می دانم که عرض کنم:
آنچه مرد را سربلند نگاه میدارد قناعت همسرش است!
در پایان از فرد فرد دوستانی که در جمع آوری و اصلاح این مطالب به من کمک کردند.
جعفر صابری
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اگر برای همسرتان نازمی کنید ولی متکبر هستید…
اگر زنی بعد از ازدواج علی رغم میل همسرش تصمیم به کار در بیرون از منزل میگیرد …
اگر وقت آما ده سازی و تلاش برای تهیه رزق و روزی( یا کار های مربوط به خانه و خانواده) افراد خانواده حس خوبی نداشته باشد…
اگر هدیه ی همسرش را یواشکی فروخت…
اگر بدون اطلاع همسرش لوازم منزل را هدیه میدهد و یا میفروشد…
اگر دلبری فریبایی و طنازی برای او پیشه نمی کنید…
اگر تمکین نمی کنید تا محبوب باشید…
اگرهوس بازی نمی کنید تا زیبا و دوست داشتنی باشید…
اگردهانتان را مسواک و خوشبو نمی کنید…
اگر بدنتان بوی عرق می دهد و این موضوع در زندگی زناشویی برایتان مهم نیست…
اگرلباست بوی غذا میدهد وتو اهمیت نمی دهی…
اگرموقع کار از لباس کار استفاده نمی کنی…
اگرتوی غصه هایت معناهای زیبا پیدا نمی کنی …
اگرسلوک و سازش نداشته باشید…
اگرسختی کار همسرتان را درک نکنید…
اگر به همسرتان می گو ئیید تو بی عرضه ای …
اگردرخواست هایتان را با منطق برآورده نمی کنید…
اگراحساسات زیبایتان را با اندیشه ای متین همراه نمی کنید…
اگربه عمد لجبازی می کنید تا از چشم همسرتان بیافتید…
اگرپناهگاه همسرتان نمی باشید و می دانید اوبه دیگری پناه می برد…
اگرسعی نمی کنیدآشپزی را خوب یاد بگیرید…
اگر بدون آرایش مقابل همسرتان می نشینید…
اگرلباس هایش را اتونمی کنید تا در صورت نیاز معطل نشود…
اگرقبل از همسرتان چشم بر هم می گذارید و بعد از او بیدار می شوید…
اگربه موهای خودکه یکی از زیبایی های شماست در مقابل همسرتان توجه ندارید…
اگرلبخند قشنگتان را در مقابل همسرتان بااخم عوض می کنید…
زندگی مشترک شما به پایان رسیده است…
برای زندگی بهتر
آقایان بدانند!
فرم زیر بعد از کارشناسی فراوان تهیه شده که بد نیست هر یک از زوجین در خلوت این فرم را مرور نمایند و بعضی از علل فروپاشی خانواده را بهتر بشناسند:
آقای عزیز:
1) آیا :خودپسندی – خودستایی- خودخواهی- خودسری- خودبزرگ بینی که طاقت تحمل سختی و ناملایمات را کم می کند در شما وجود دارد؟
2) آیا: دروغ – دوروئی- دورنگی – دوچهرگی – دوگانگی که هر کدام به نوعی اعتماد را کم و یا سلب می کند در شما وجود دارد؟
3) آیا شما به دلسوزیهای بیجای دوستان نادان و دخالتهای ناروای دشمنان و اطرافیان توجه میکنید؟
4) آیا: حسادتهای رقبا – هم رد یفان – همکاران و تحریکات مسموم آنان – بلند پروازیهای زن – خساست شوهر – مهر سنگین و ناتوانی شوهر از پرداخت آن -غیبت – بدگویی از همسر- افشای ناجوانمردانه اسرار زندگی زناشویی در نزد دیگران – لجبازی – و یک دندگی – و تحقیر بخصوص نزد فرزندان – دهن بینی – زود باوری- بی کفایتی – ناپختگی – عدم آشنایی با حقوق و وظایف یکدیگر- پایبند نبودن به حقوق و وظایف – تجسس و کنجکاوی در حد افراط نسبت به زندگی خصوصی یکدیگر را دلایلی برای بوجود آمدن مشکل های خانوادگی خود می دانید؟
5) آیا برای زندگی ، چهره و اندام و شدت ظاهری اجتماعی توام با کم ظرفیتی و ضعف ایمان که بر اثر تعریف و تمجید دیگران که باعث تکبر و زیادی توقعات شده و از سوی دیگر حسادت و تحریکات زنان و مردان اجنبی که دامی خواهد شد برای خیانت ودر نتیجه منجر به از هم پاشیدن کانون خانواده اندیشیده اید؟
6) بدگویی مادر به دنبال پدر و یا پدر به دنبال مادر نزد فرزندان و یا سایرین ،اعتیاد پدر و مادر به سیگار یا موادهای مختلف افیونی که باعث بی اعتباری والدین نزد فرزندان می گردد که ناچار الگوی رفتاری از بیگانگان می گردد و منجر به انحراف می شود و طعمه شیادان خواهد شد را باور دارید؟
انشالله زندگیتان به خوشی باشد.
تست پیوند محبت
با تکمیل این فرم و در صورت امکان ارسالش برای ما ابتدا به خود و بعد به ما کمک میکنید تا بتوانیم تحقیقی را برای بهبود زندگی بهتر برای شما و دیگر خوانندگان هفته نامه بین المللی همسر بوجود بیاوریم تا با مطالعۀ آن زندگی بهتری را تجربه نمایند.
این تحقیق به شکل دیگری در سالهای قبل ،توسط جناب آقای لئو بوسکالیا انجام شده و قسمتی از آن با عنوان همه را دوست دارم و آنان نیز …؟ با ترجمه سرکار خانم زهره فتوحی در کتابی با همین نام به همت انتشارات یاسمن در سال1377 به چاپ رسیده شایان ذکر است این کتاب پنج بار تجدید چاپ شده است.و از کتابهای پر خواننده می باشد.
فرم پیوند نامه
میزان تحصیلات:
وضعیت تاهل:
تعداد فرزندان:
چگونه با همسرتان آشنا شدید؟
چند ساله ازدواج کردید؟
چند ساله از همسرتان جدا شدید؟
چه پیوندی را نخستین پیوند مهرآمیز خویش می دانید؟
به اعتقاد شما سه ویژگی تعیین کننده ی رشد مستمر عشق و بالندگی در این پیوند کدامند؟
به اعتقاد شما سه ویژگی مخرب برای ویرانی پیوند مهر آمیز کدامند؟
چه پیوندی را دومین پیوند اصلی خویش می دانید (اولیاء، همسر ، فرزند و…)
کدام سه ویژگی تعیین کننده دوام و رشد دومین پیوند است؟
برای شما پیوند مهر آمیز مطلوب کدام است؟
بر اساس تجربیات خویش. به کسی که برای نخستین بار به شکل جدی در گیر شکل بخشیدن به پیوند مهر آمیز اولیه است، چه پندی می دهید؟
از شما بی نهایت قدر دان خواهیم شد، چنانچه این نظر سنجی را تکمیل و به آدرس ما ارسال نمائید .حتی می توانید پاسخ را ایمیل کنید. این فرم در سایت های ما موجود است ،کافی است کپی و بعد از تکمیل برای ما ایمیل نمائید . حتی دوستان شما نیز می توانند این کار را انجام دهند.بی شک ما نیز در صورت تمایل شما، چنانچه بخواهید با قید نام و آدرس پاسخ تست را برایتان ارسال می کنیم. (ASHTI.JS@GMAIL.COM)
با تشکر، روابط عمومی هفته نامه بین المللی همسر تلفن تماس :09121199415
کلام آخر
و اما دوست عزیزم آقای محترم یک جمله ختم کلام :
غیرت زیادی بی غیرتی می آورد!
یعنی اگر آدم با غیرت و حساس به خانواده، بویژه همسرت هستی و روحیه ای مانند شیر داری ! اولاً هرگز با بی احترامی و بی ادبی با همسرت صحبت نکن و به او توهین نکن حتی اگر او این کار را میکند . ثانیاً اگربعد از یک جرو بحث بخواهی غیرت نشان بدهی و قهر کنی و این قهر را ادامه بدهی و آشتی پیشه نکنی ؛ بدان که در جامعه کم نیستند افرادی که چون کفتار در انتظار شکار زخمی نشسته اند! اما چنانچه همسرت را دوست داری و برای ادامه زندگیت ارزش قائل هستی بهتر میدانم تو قدم اول را برای آشتی برداری !
یا حق
جعفر صابری
اصرار میکنیم ؛
در انتهاخودمان شرمنده میشویم!
جعفر صابری:
آرزوی داشتن خوشبختی فقط برای
آغاز بدبختی هایمان است.
جعفر صابری:
بیشتر وقتها کودکی مان باتلاق
آرزوهایمان است.
بنام خدا
زندگی مشترک شما به پایان رسیده است…
خانم ها بخوانند!
آقایان بدانند!
این نوشته ها نتیجه بیش از بیست و دو سال مدیر مسؤلی اولین مجله ویژه همسران در ایران و همچنین سی سال کار در حوزه خانواده و آسیب های اجتماعی است و الزاماً شاید با سلیقه های شما هم همخوانی نداشته باشد. بدون شک بیشتر این تجربه ها از نظر شما میتواند رد شود ولی خوشحال میشوم در ادامه همین مجموعه چنانچه مواردی به ذهنتان میرسد برایم ارسال کنید تا در چاپ بعدی به این مجموعه افزوده شود.
برای صرفه جویی جمله ی:
زندگی مشترک شما به پایان رسیده است…
تنها در ابتدا و انتهای جملات آمده ولی شما باید در پایان هر جمله قرار دهید !
فرم پیوست بعد از کارشناسی فراوان تهیه شده که بد نیست هر یک از زوجین در خلوت این فرم را مرور نمایند و بعضی از علل فروپاشی خانواده را بهتر بشناسند.
اگر طرف اصلی گفت وگو بیشتر خانم ها می باشند نه این است که حق با آقایان است؛ بلکه چون ناخدای اصلی خانه و خانواده زنان می باشند مورد خطاب قرارگرفته شده اند !
در ضمن اگر موردی برایتان جالب یا سؤال انگیز است می توانید از طریق شماره تلگرام زیر با من در ارتباط باشید.
از فرد فرد دوستانی که به جمع آوری و اصلاح این مطالب به من کمک کردند سپاسگزارم.
جعفر صابری
- 1. اگرهمسرتان بار ها به شما می گوید: تورا دوست ندارم… زندگی مشترک شما به پایان رسیده است…
- 2. اگر مدام می گوئید : کی غیرازمن باتوازدواج می کرد…
- 3. اگر بیشتر وقتها می گوئید:حوصله توراندارم…
- 4. اگر با طعنه و توهین بارهاگفته ومی گوئیدازخانواده ات خوشم نمی آید…
- 5. اگروقتی واردخانه شدید و همسرتان خوشحال نشد…
- 6. اگرنسبت به حلقه ازدواجتون بی تفاوت هستید …
- 7. اگرسرسفره به پدرخانواده گفتید این مال فرزندمونه وتونخور…
- 8. اگرکاری کردید وبه فرزندتان گفتید به بابات نگو…
- 9. اگربه دوست وهمسایه گفتید بین خودمان باشدوبه بابای بچه ها چیزی نگوئید…
- 10. اگربه فرزندتون گفتید بابات که نمی فهمه… ویابلعکس…
- 11. اگرچیزی راقسطی خریدیدکه همسرتان نمیداند و قرار هم هست که نداند…(فرقی نمیکند)…
- 12. اگربه راحتی به هم توهین می کنید…
- 13. اگرزندگی وثروت گذشته وخانوادگی تان رابه رخ یکدیگر می کشید…
- 14. اگرنسبت به علایق یکدیگربی تفاوت هستید…
- 15. اگرنسبت به سلایق هم بانگاه تحقیرآمیزنگاه میکنید…
- 16. اگربه درجه تحمل رسیده اید…
- 17. اگریک موضوع رابیش ازسه بارمطرح میکنیدوعملی نمیشود…
- 18. اگرباورنداریم میتواندحق باطرف مقابل باشد…
- 19. اگه خانم خانه برای زیبایی بدون وسیله شخصی از محل زندگیش رفت چند محله آن طرف تر برای آرایشگاه و با آژانس و یا سواری دربست برگشت خانه تا مردش را سوپرایز کند !
- 20. اگه خانم خانه با بودن پدر بالای سر پسر بچه، اون رو برد سلمونی مردونه .
- 21. اگرخانمی بین مهمانان رو به همسرش گفت :این را ولش کن یا حتی به شوخی همسرش را دست انداخت ویا بلعکس آقایی این کار را انجام داد .
- 22. اگرموقع نصیحت فرزند یکی از والدین دخالت کرد .
- 23. اگر پدر و مادر زن یا مرد مطلبی را گفتند و زن و شوهر بدون تحقیق و گفت و گو بین خودشان آن را قبول کردند …
- 24. اگر خودپسندی ، خودستایی، خودخواهی، خودسری،خودبزرگ بینی را در خود هنوز دارید…
- 25. اگر طاقت تحمل سختی و ناملایمت ها ی زندگی را در خود تقویت نمی کنید؟
- 26. اگردروغ ، دوروئی، دورنگی ، دوچهرگی ،دوگانگی که هر کدام به نوعی اعتماد را کم و یا سلب می کند در شما وجود دارد؟
- 27. اگر شما به دلسوزیهای بی جای دوستان نادان و دخالتهای ناروای دشمنان و اطرافیان توجه میکنید؟
- 28. اگرحسادتهای رقبا ، هم رد یفان ، همکاران و تحریکات مسموم آنان را بلافاصله می پذیرید…
- 29. اگر بلند پرواز شده اید و از واقعیت زندگیتان دور شده اید…
- 30. اگر تصمیم به گرفتن مهریه خود را دارید و می دانید همسرتان توان پرداختش را ندارد…
- 31. اگر وقتتان را به غیبت ، بدگویی از همسر، افشای ناجوانمردانه اسرار زندگی زناشویی در نزد دیگران می گذرانید..(فرقی نمی کندهر کدام از زوجین)
- 32. اگر لجبازی ، و یک دندگی و تحقیر بخصوص نزد فرزندان بین شما وجود دارد…
- 33. اگر به حقوق مشترک زن و شوهر پایبند نیستید…
- 34. اگر تجسس و کنجکاوی افراطی نسبت به یکدیگر درزندگی پیدا کرده اید…
- 35. اگربرای زندگی ، چهره و اندام و شدت ظاهری اجتماعی توأم بیش از مسائل زن و شوهری و زندگی توجه میکنید…
- 36. اگر تحت تأثیر تعریف و تمجید دیگران که باعث تکبر و زیادی توقعات در شما میشود شده اید…
- 37. اگربدگویی مادر به دنبال پدر و یا پدر به دنبال مادر نزد فرزندان و یا سایرین زیاد شده…
- 38. اگر فرزندان الگوی رفتاری از بیگانگان می گیرند و منجر به انحراف ایشان شده…
- 39. اگر به همسرتان افتخار نمی کنید...
- 40. اگر کسی را با همسرتان مقایسه می کنید.
- 41. اگر اقتدارو غرور همسرتان را می شکنید…
- 42. اگر آراستگی خود را درعقل او جستجو نمی کنید…
- 43. اگرقناعت، پیشه نمی کنید…
- 44. اگر آراستگی خود را به رخ همسرتان می کشید...
- 45. اگر برای همسرتان نازمی کنید ولی متکبر هستید…
- 46. اگر دلبری فریبایی و طنازی برای او پیشه نمی کنید.
- 47. اگر تمکین نمی کنید تا محبوب باشید.
- 48. اگرهوس بازی نمی کنید تا زیبا و دوست داشتنی باشید.
- 49. اگردهانتان را مسواک و خوشبو نمی کنید.
- 50. اگر بدنتان بوی عرق می دهد و این موضوع در زندگی زناشویی برایتان مهم نیست…
- 51. اگرلباست بوی غذا میدهد وتو اهمیت نمی دهی…
- 52. اگرموقع کار از لباس کار استفاده نمی کنی…
- 53. اگرتوی غصه هایت معناهای زیبا پیدا نمی کنی …
- 54. اگرسلوک و سازش نداشته باشید.
- 55. اگرسختی کار همسرتان را درک نکنید.
- 56. اگر به همسرتان می گو ئیید تو بی عرضه ای …
- 57. اگردرخواست هایتان را با منطق برآورده نمی کنید…
- 58. اگراحساسات زیبایتان را با اندیشه ای متین همراه نمی کنید…
- 59. اگربه عمد لجبازی می کنید تا از چشم همسرتان بیافتید.
- 60. اگرپناهگاه همسرتان نمی باشید و می دانید اوبه دیگری پناه می برد.
- 61. اگرسعی نمی کنیدآشپزی را خوب یاد بگیرید…
- 62. اگر بدون آرایش مقابل همسرتان می نشینید…
- 63. اگرلباس هایش را اتونمی کنید تا در صورت نیاز معطل نشود…
- 64. اگرقبل از همسرتان چشم بر هم می گذارید و بعد از او بیدار می شوید…
- 65. اگربه موهای خودکه یکی از زیبایی های شماست در مقابل همسرتان توجه ندارید…
- 66. اگرلبخند قشنگتان را در مقابل همسرتان بااخم عوض می کنید…
زندگی مشترک شما به پایان رسیده است…
اگر به زندگی مشترکتان علاقه مند هستید و می خواهید سالهای سال با خوبی و خوشی در کنار یکدیگر زندگی نمائید و فرزند یا فرزندانتان را بزرگ نمائید و موفقیتشان را هر روز ببینید ؛ کافیست جمله های منفی را مثبت بنویسید.
با کمال تشکر از همکاران محترم هفته نامه بین المللی همسر بویژه آقای جواد بی آزار مشاور خانواده در بنیاد ازدواج و تحکیم خانواده واقع در تهران خیابان دروازه شمیران خیابان شهید قائدی (هدایت) پلاک 83 تلفن 77527841
یا حق
ارادتمند شما
جعفر صابری
Jafar Saberi / I and Samad Behargi
Saturday, Aug. 19, 1396
Death from Samad’s sight
Death is so easy that it can now come to me. But I can live so I should not go to death. Of course, I sometimes have to face me. I do not care how important my life or death has had in other people’s lives.
Little Black Fish – Samad Behrangi
Me and samad
After we were not allowed to play in the theater, the little black fish stayed with me and I read it several times. Later, several other books from Samad were given to my sister on the occasion of my birthday, and Samad’s boyfriend sold Samad after his success in presenting the project to Husseinieh, the Prophet (AS) Damghan was presented to me in 1358. But the door was in me and that is why why should Samad be Samad and we do not have Samad as such? Ali Ashraf Darvishi wrote Samad, but where and where Samad always had a kind of sense of religion, his little black fish did not inspire my thoughts that the crowd affected. The coaches constantly wrote the pages and I remember well. That those days suffered me why the sea …
I produced a poem and I put it up and recorded it, but this was not my feeling for Samad.
I was Samad’s black fish
I fled from the bottleneck of De Rudi in search of the sea
From its comfort and tranquility to the border of a hell
The burning hell with passion
With a torch of fire and awareness and passion
In the beam of guidance this forty light lights
I just fled
Massive fishes
In slime chips below the rocks
I saw him
On his death, the false color of life
On the lips of a thousand songs of freedom
On the feet of a thousand slaves of slaves
I had heard that salmon is a fish that swims against the water of the river, and this is the source of my little bitter parsnip that begins.
Little sparrow
One was and who was not under the dome of a bruise other than God, no one …!
There was also a little sparrow that had both a father and a snake, and a brother and sister, also a friend and friend of all … Our little little sparrow’s taste was that it would be dawning at dawn, it would be dawn and it was on the top of the old leafy foliage She was one of her branches to branch out from that branch and make Jake Jake … all she wanted was to open the pillow under the sun. She started to tear it up from the top of the wheat field or look down to her with her little doll’s tips. He has fallen on the ground and raised his head, he will eat both seeds and thank God.
One morning, like all the morning when the sun goes up and Mrs. Jake Jake slips from that branch, the little sparrow does not hear her voice, and she does not even know what they are saying, so she opened her pillow … Going and going forward Seeing the sparrow Crying waving his wings Shaking his head Taking a nail on the earth With the beautiful soil that he looked at Seeing three little little asparagus chicks that are still full of musk Straw and grass fell. None of them cleaned the three sparrows and then said: “Why are you crying …”
The cuckoo shrieked to cry like tears: “Do not you see my damn damn chicken dying ….”
The little sparrow sighed and said:
Why do you see, but do not cry, do not cry Allah does not cry for you!
The sparrow said:
So what can I do?
The little sparrow rolled and sat down again and said:
Watch the world make you big again with God’s will … you have to build another one …
The sparrow glanced at the little sparrow and said:
Little sparrow is not the first time that my lune ruined. Maybe ten times, perhaps twenty times, and I was building.
The little ginseng opened it up again, turning it around, sat down next to the spit and wondered: “So why are you crying for why you moan?”
The sparrow shook his head and Gafen:
For you and your likes, he opened it up and jumped and went …
There was a small hodge and a phallus sparse that was meant to be a spittoe. Everything thought that his mind did not get anywhere, so Reid went and went and went. He went so tired that he saw a rug and a rug in the middle of the desert and the same tree of their own, but Jake’s sound of a sparrow fell. He went down to rest, but when he was approaching the tree, the sound of two sparrow chickens did not know what they were saying. When it came close to the spot of the sparrow chicken on the plantain’s tree, three sawdust chickens, like the three sparrow chickens The previous one does not open the door open and he jumps to heaven. Sparrow chickens When they saw a shadow that was not like the shadow of their mother, the sound of it grew taller and taller than the little sparrow, and sat down at the spit of the spit, and then said – what? Why do you give so much …!
One of the sparrow chickens said our mom had gone to bed for a long time … then he started to Jake Jake ….
The little sparrow dropped her head down the side of the leaf of the plantain’s tree. Something fell on the ground. He saw the tree in the sight … A dead sparrow … she said, maybe the mother of these chicks is, the poor. Their mother looked there, they did not know that their mother’s daughters had fallen asleep ….
The poor do not give me any better. Big ones that they understand. I’m going to go. I lost my chicks. I’ll find something out of my head.
He climbed and jumped and went in the hole, went and went down to reach the summit along a river of the same house, and with the niche followed the worm of the liblah. As he threw himself up, he gazed at the river, seeing one hundred maybe a thousand fish Thick and coarse, they swim against the motion of the water and drowned high. Looked well. That way you saw the paths of a fish in a waterfall that sprinkled water out of the river. There was a little little fish who was swimming and dancing for Daddy. Little sparrow said:
Where are you going to fish?
The little fish came to the beach and said:
Let’s go to the spring of this river.
Little sparrow said:
Why ? The source of this river near him is the high mountain peak. This waterfall is also in front of you … where do you come from
Little fish laughed and said:
We call the sea and we have to go this way. We have to get to the point where the juice of water should be hanging there. My children should have been there. My grandparents did not even jump off the waterfall. And they came to the river where the water was thrown.
(Recipe from Little Black Fish)
Little sparrow with amazement said:
First of all, you’re a little young, why do not you go to sea.
Little fish said
The life of my father and grandfather was Lutheran. Our whole life is to go along the river. This is my first time. If I get healthy, I have to go back down and if I get healthy, I should go downstairs, but I do not know why you do not seed in the sea. Perhaps because you originated from me. I came to my father and my grandfather to come to life. I do not know I have to go to hope …
The little fish went to the sparrow, and found two burdensome worms, and they drove them with joy and joyed to the lune, the three sparrow chicks … But you were in the way thought of the little fish puddles.
He came to the plantain. A large eagle was filled with branches from the branches and the tree was plummet, and the plantain rolled out from the swinging eagle. Well, he looked, you saw that the eagle’s fork had three chicks that would not jig like Jake. The worms fell from their mouths. They called for the eagle, but they were afraid. The eagle was much stronger, and it was not as nail-biting as the eagle’s foot. The chicks also died dead… I sat down on a branch of the planet and threw it tears. She thought herself. Why should I be alone in the little sparrow ….
Little tusks were tearing from the horns of the leafy tree on the ground where the dead sparrow fell. The little sparrow went along with the dead sparrow. His head began to scoop up the ground and slow down to make a ditch like the dead sparrow, the sparrow. He threw himself in the pit and poured the soil into a pit and laid it on some of the dried leaves of a plantain on the floor. On the grave of the dead sparrow, he began to cry out to the right of the plantain, now that the loneliness had been alone, and then the voice of Jake Jake Chick He did not hear the horns and the horns, he began to cry with a little sparrow.
The sparrow raised his head. He saw the valley crying.
Why are you crying?
The tree said: for you are your likes
Little sparrow said:
I did not die. I did not miss Lumno. I do not have an eagle chicken. I’m alive. Look, I can climb Jake Jake.
Then he looked into the sky and silent …
The tree is very tidy and said:
I’m so fond of you and yours that you have to stay and wait for the will of God to come to you, poor.
The shriek shouted:
I’m not poor I’m sorry I do not want to be Mel. I know that God is
The tree smiled and said:
How little do you know when it comes to god? If it is God that this sparrow should not die or his eagles go to his chickens?
God knows that you are planted in the soil by the command of God and love to throw off the soil. The wind is blowing. It raises the soil from the ground. He goes with herself, maybe a sparrow will fall into the tree, and the sparrow will die. Maybe he’ll spoil the lion Three dead spit chicks die. But he climbs the wind and dirt on the ground. He’s stuck on the ground. She can be stuck. She can do it. She can make a tree. Like a tree, she will have a spruce tree. Let her branch out. If she does not have an eagle, she will leave her chicks. She may eat eagles for her chicks. The sparrow was a mother and she saw that she was dead. She had seen her and she would not have expected her to chickens that look like their own chicks are waiting for their mother to come. If they are chickens, they die. I know love, but I can say a little to you, now why are you crying …
My cry for seeing that I’m right to go and regret that my roots are in my throat and I can not fly like you. I just got old.
He cleared his sparrow spit with a pillow. Then he climbed up and went and walked around a hundred branches of a plantain and said:
But you should not cry. You should be happy. Today, tomorrow, a pair of sparrows will split between your branches. Maybe even ten, maybe even a hundred, and up to your eyes. The sound of Jake Jake, who is raised in the astounding Jake Chickens and The sparrows that live in your horns. You stay, you must stay and stay …
He cleared his tears and said:
So what are you
The little sparrow lifted his head and turned to the sky and said, Greater than us, who is in my heart, I will go to God …
Then he opened it up and went up and down so he went so much that his shadow fell on the tree and the little sparrow went under the roof of the dome.
That was our story
Do not think it was a lie
In the little black fish, Samad tried to reach the sea for the aspirations of desires. But in the story of my little sparrow, I tried to make my country stand upright with the roots of history and raise it up because the felonity and survival of the patriarch’s tree survive, and the descendants of that alley are witnessing the storm and the invasion of the eagles as the symbol of American colonialism.
But he is aware of being and staying. My sparrow goes to the sky and approaches the sun. It is burning.
My fish starts the journey from the sea, and, unlike the river’s water, it returns to its source, because it wants its son to not be born in a clear source, and it gives the sea and the dredges for them, because they know that you are the source of pure and pure Is.
And these are all shaped up by being and living, and how beautiful it really is, the martyr from the Pen of Seyyed Morteza Avini who:
The art is to die before they die, and they are the origin and source of life that died.
7/3/2016 12:45:54 PM
With the name and remembrance of God
Captured Europe
Eupay captured
The question is, why did you use the concealed word for this book?
It’s a good idea to point out: in fact, we have to go back a little back about thirty years ago, in 1985, when I wrote an article titled “Global Christianism,” and I followed the theory that the West and Christianity were advancing towards Christianity. It does, of course, also do this now, but it was more time-consuming and more environmentally friendly. But the very Western-world politics and the so-called “humanitarian” rules led to the arrival of large numbers of immigrants over time. Europe, and this great congregation, with its richly special religious cultures, is a modern order for the people of Europe. And basically, new words and phrases emerged on this continent, which though it existed in the past, but not so intensely as it is now. It shows the names of the instrumentalists and their names to the type of people’s coverage, and that is the presence of Muslims on this continent.
You say so-called humanitarian why do you use this term?
It is clear that, despite the efforts of some organizations and people, the discussion of humanitarianism can never be implemented in Western societies, especially by statesmen! As most governments in Europe and the Western world are seeking their own interests, the least is the production of weapons and weapons of mass destruction in this regard. Therefore, the humanitarian terms for these governments, most of them the hands of the blood of innocent people, are a bit unfair.
But in any case, by imposing laws that make it possible for Muslims or immigrants to come to the forefront, they show that they are embracing a subject that needs better living conditions for those who are their victims. There is no need to kill, and direct authorities should be involved. At times, government support from tyrannical governments in the Asian or African regions causes the rights of their people to be ignored, and this is a violation of human rights.
Why Do You Think Muslims Cultural Damage To Western Societies?
I do not think that I am sure and will bring any Western and Christian people to think differently. This is contrary to Islam’s mixtures of Islam, which live in conditions other than Islamic conditions, or even nourish food other than solvent food.
That is, you say: is this kind of attitude that has been damaging for the West over the years despite the presence of Muslims in Europe and in the whole of the West?
Yes, I repeat, this is certain, but you are comparing Europe with Europe today to three hundred years or 500 years ago, but this is not correct. Today, I think it is the last thirty years ago, which is more than any other day today. Have Muslims been?
You do not have to worry about reflecting this kind of stuff?
I am a theorist and I am also born in a Muslim family and a Muslim country, but this is the truth you have rightly referred to. I am hopeful that Muslim friends or Christians will decide upon the exact study of this book and the examination of the facts, and I can not change the opinion of anyone, but I can only comment on the same freedom of human rights in the West. Can i say
What are your proposals for European governments against Muslims?
It’s too late and it’s really overcome, but there is still hope, and it’s about respecting human rights, and no doubt, it’s going to be a great human catastrophe!
Do you anticipate world war?
Not in the sense that you are thinking, but this war has long started!
How about
The September 11th disaster or the London subway or any incident caused by extremist Islamist Islam is a war of letters!
Do you think that respect for human rights, if you say, will not help Muslims more than they are?
I think that the European governments do not go the right way, they are secretive to see the presence of this large Muslim community alongside them without religious motives, which means their incorrect recognition of Islam.
Explain more?
As I have said, in Islam there are strict laws that have been forbidden by anyone, including the Muslims themselves, to declare war on all Muslims, and this unity and a clutter of Muslims are simply depicted in their daily prayers!
But how many Muslims have come up with these rules?
Of course, this is normal, but it will not continue, and it will continue to grow throughout the day of the opposition line with the current rules, and Europe will have no choice but to accept and give more privileges, which is what we have named its capture in Europe.
Most European laws take particular account of the rights of citizens and of humans altogether, now do you say this is wrong?
I do not say it’s false I say it’s unreal! Of course, if you are fair, you should say that in most cases it is unrealistic. For example: In Europe, you see legal immigrants, but do you have equal conditions for working with a European person? You do not think that if a European worker and a tax Deals. But an immigrant, most of whom are Muslims, only get legal rights from the government, it’s cruel to a European or, if it’s a job, a special immigrant, an immigrant and an unemployed Europe. Is it oppressive to a European?
Whether there is a civil war in a country, and a massive amount of European weapons are sold to make European and American factories producing more weapons, it is self-inflicted on the people who live in the war and will inevitably They are emigrating.
You are following the current immigrant crisis: immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Morocco … all of them are Muslims and are involved in civil wars! Where ISIL began its war on warfare Where does it cost the merchant to sell oil and gas cheaper than the world’s prices to those countries and against the gunman? What do Europeans think? Have they thought that a weapon shot in Syria, Iraq or even Afghanistan would have its bullets hole the heart of a European!
Every blast in Muslim countries or even non-Muslims has been hit by Europe and undoubtedly an Orvay will be killed in the air, but it does not matter to the authorities!
Many of the eastern countries, or even Russia, are the manufacturer and the seller of weapons?
Of course, they are right and they will be affected by the same crisis. But we are talking about Europe, not Russia!
Today, the problem of Islam and Muslims in Europe must be examined, not the Muslims of China or even Russia and Chechnya!
In any case, Europe’s ammunition houses, even if they do not sell weapons to them, will not end the crisis of war and bloodshed in these areas. Do not sellers or dealers of weapons?
Yes, right, but your question was that Europe is a supporter of human rights and I wanted to tell you that it is not 100%!
Well, even if you have the right to do so, can not the Arabs or any progressive country renounce its laws and human rights and change the rules?
Of course, there are things that do not amount to war and assault in the present form, and this kind of mass destruction is much more devastating and, therefore, it is subject to the rules that it itself has set itself for human rights!
Can you explain more like what?
Of course, the expression of the fact that the rights of homosexuals in these countries are legal rights or the rights of women and girls or eating alcoholic beverages or the broadcast of sexy letters from television or anything that is strongly opposed to the Islamic religion, In the Qur’an, the Muslims have explicitly forbidden the discussion of the same sex and the relationship between the two, and even a sura with the title … and the wrath of Allah and God over the people who chose this, come and dance on their heads We drove from the soil and destroyed their land and … This is Islamic thought and the attitude of Islam about this issue, or about the women who are willing or better suited to their husbands. Their wife does not want to get away from him first and do not pay attention to him and then take her and then take another wife and … This is the Quran of God and that is the Holy Qur’an and the rulers of hundreds One hundred is against it, even one hundred percent in front of the gospel or the Torah of other heavenly books sent by God to guide the humans by his apostles!
So you believe, or rather, is it your opinion that Europe should change its laws and make it based on the Qur’an, Muslims or even the Gospel and the Torah?
You are grateful to this subject, but this is the opinion of the Muslims, and if you look at this, it is more of them!
The question is very well why these Muslims are secretive to live in such blasphemous countries as their own and their honorable family?
Yes, the point is here because there is no room for a healthy and painless life in their country. Whether they are ISIS or Taliban and … can live in their country.
Is this the problem of the Euphrates, whether there is the Taliban or Isis?
Yes, this is a hundred percent problem! If the demand is not low, the supply of wealth and money will not be low. Companies that have large headquarters are insecure or insignificant in those countries, which show upside down faces Of women with nudity and frustration, and so on. They have a wealth of wealth. After the economic revolution in the United States, and even the United States, the entry and role of women is even higher. Even this is a form of women’s rights and the equality of women with men, but is this a fact Is women’s rights really equal to men in Europe or even in America?
In my opinion, we are moving away from the main issue, and that is the crisis of Europe and the Muslims, not the European or American laws for women’s rights?
Your mistake is right here. These rights and laws that you say only killed a few Muslim women and girls in England and London, both for their families and their loved ones?
These laws are contrary to God’s commands and Muslims are strongly opposed to it.
The question here is whether it is better for Muslims to migrate to Muslim countries, and why why should immigrants to non-Muslim countries who oppose their culture and beliefs?
Yes, you mentioned a very good point, for example, the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait or Qatar, Oman, and even Saudi Arabia, which are also oil-rich countries, and the main owners of oil in the world!
Well why do not they go to live in these countries?
Yes, this is your excellent question, and I agree exactly with your opinion, while they are Muslims, and most of the laws of Islam in these countries are strictly adhered to, even the thieving or beheading of sinners with a sword …
Well why not go
Yes, this is a question to ask Muslims to ask themselves why the borders of Islamic countries are closed to Muslims and refugees and there is no possibility of supporting Muslims and refugees for these countries, even some do not have visas at all.
In my opinion, the Arabs and the politicians of the Nevada should point out their point of view at the same time as the urgent Muslims and the settlers who are in trouble with the laws of these countries.
So, we are not here with each other, and you, like us, believe that it is not necessary for the Arabs to change their rules and write Islamic laws?
Of course, but you have to admit that this is the way that immigrants arrive in Europe and not Muslim countries, you’ve created yourself many years ago, since instead of kimino or dishadhesh, jeans or short skirts or beige ones You showed women and men in Europe!
I do not understand why a Muslim is a Muslim who adheres to his Islamic laws and is his right to think in Islam as to the insistence of coming and staying in Europe that it would be unclear whether he would wear his pants or his fingers and decolletage.
He does not insist that you are Arabs who have forced him to make this choice. For many years there have been many Muslim countries in Asia that were your colony, or even your colonies are still European, perhaps colonially from them The hand is not the other colony of Europeans, but you see that even their language and dialect are no longer Arabic, there is a sharp contradiction between these countries. They are neither western nor Islamic, and in these countries, because of the good market, the Western and European products and thoughts of their peoples are without obligation, and their ultimate wish is to reach the West and Europe, and this is all because of the laws that the Europeans have and which makes them Exit a colonial country, but it is always a colony or a backyard .
Again, the same question arises. European laws are respected by Europeans, and most people and even Muslims accept it. Economic and scientific progress, and the peace and tranquility of life and happiness are the basic rights of a human being in Europe. And why should it be recalled for the sake of the ideas of a fast-paced Muslim?
Because, in your opinion, the fast-moving Muslims have gained weapons today in accordance with the rules of the Qur’an to rule God and the Lord in the land of reverence!
Today, we are seeing a lot of immigrants who leave their country unconditionally and refugee to European countries. According to your opinion, Europe should not send these immigrants to their countries?
No, I’m not saying that this is inhumane work done by the Europeans. But, if these people, especially the people who sailed from Europe to Syria, actually have to go to bed and go to bed, they should inevitably have to settle and refugee. Why do they know? They move to European laws and go to Western Europe? And where are you registering asylum? Not these human beings are not human. They could and could stay in a better country than Greece or Turkey and let them go from top to bottom, from Europe to the bottom, but they do not act. They are choosing from the very beginning. It is not fear of life but it is afraid that they have not come to come to make the future Europe as they wish to make by their own choices. These are many Muslims who are not Eastern Europeans who live in Western Europe for their lives and their future and their children. They have chosen and will never be in their countries even after the war and calm!
Do you think that European countries should not let them go and only provide temporary accommodation until the end of the war? But maybe this civil war continues for a long time, and in general these people have lost everything and have become asylum-seekers, and it’s not bad to know that some countries, like Hungary, did not even have a good deal at first with them and They had to choose other countries.
Of course, it is right for you, and this is your human and logical point of view. Even many have put the key to their home for immigrants, and this is very human. But let’s not forget that we are talking about an important issue. And that is the capture of Europe, you Muslims! I mean, these immigrants who, today, regardless of the current laws of the common European Union, cross the borders and the wires of the bristles and move towards the proportion that they want, they are the ones who have come to stay and Europe as it is Want and love to build and make!
Seeing the war and the killing of all these human beings and destroying the sense of humanity that would give them a more favorable situation, so what troubles do they have the choice to choose their own place of residence?
Nothing but this is what the men of Yiddish and the government are thinking about, not thinking today, but ten or twenty years later?
Do not make it clear that in Europe there are always laws that, in the meantime, can be controlled by human beings and the massive migration of human history. And apply new and better rules to restrain it? Do not worry!
I am not only concerned, but also happy, because today you help people who are the government of your men to rape their rights and be the main source of war and bloodshed in their country, after suffering a lot of troubles and problems, and to those who Far from their home country, they will be better suited to them and will be a good host, and their children will be brought up in a more appropriate environment. I’m not worried, and you are to be worried about twenty years!
Why ?
Because today, the epoch of Islamicization and Islam is about thinking of the current Muslims in their countries, and they are always angry with Islamists! Know and be aware that a lot of the same immigrants will love you today, and you will have a duty to do their part because of the crimes of the authorities in your country. On the other hand, in the future, it becomes clear that the government of your men, because of the aging of their garments and the need for human capital, and better, have said that they are cheap laborers and laborers, and they have not done anything human right, but simply slavish their choices. Have.
Why do you say that work and earnings are the first to talk about every human being, and migrants should finally work wherever they go, and it’s natural to work in the host country, and in Europe there are very precise rules of work and slavery There is no exile in the work!
That the rules of work in Europe are the same for workers, maybe it is that, of course, the European market is unevenly inferior to the prices of production or decline, and we have used it. In the Netherlands, for example, drinking water is more expensive than milk, and each Four liters of valerian milk are worth a liter of water, but as far as discrimination is concerned, it is a kind of discrimination, for example, with those who crossed the border and who have been able to buy tickets, as a matter of course, with the issue of empathetic migrants. Either take a long journey and reach the country they are looking for, if they are eight to ten The same people have been living in the worst possible places in temporary accommodation camps between their countries with Turkey or even Lebanon, and no one cares for them. They are human, even they have no money to buy bread. Why Europeans Only young people who have been able to bring their bodies to European countries are paying attention. More than 80% of these migrants are young men and women, so are families and children in refugee camps? No one should think about them? This is not extinction?
We are very happy to be right with you. What is your offer?
Undoubtedly, this is my right! But there is no way to figure it out, what the government of men and most theorists holds in the long-term culture of the Islamic culture of these refugees, and they think of the Oprah. And Lee does not get it. It might have been a bit of a shock, but in the current situation. So, from a simple issue to the issue, the birth rate of Muslims is much higher than that of non-Muslims in Europe, more immigrants and The need for work and life, and capital … Many European and young people take care of jobs and opportunities, the European culture has not behaved well with young people and their younger generation, and they have not been very successful people because they have not been motivated to live in comfort And they do not have to worry about living and livelihood problems, but Muslims, especially immigrants They are too busy and do not want to come down to people who are low in society, so they are trying to get more and this means more success. Immigrants are not only Muslims, but there is a new correlation between them, that is, they are immigrants and Hindi, Chinese, Muslim, etc. This is the good that will solve Europe in the future, and that Europe’s 200th anniversary will disappear. It does not mean that it will not grow, but I I would like to say that the future of Europe is made up of immigrants who think with thought other than the first European ones!
Well, what does it mean to those who do not load the dirt on their own to their own countries?
They do not load the dirt on their own and they do not need to do this. They have never gotten up without blood! And this is what we said from the beginning of the eulogy captured!
You are not familiar with the rules of an eagle, and do not worry, this will never happen?
You do not mean Rajah’s laws to migrate or even to the brutal borders of the border that these days have been repeatedly ignored by the immigrants and that they are not under attack!
These situations are different, they are people who need help!
Yes, because a good man is human, and thousands of people decide how to make their own lives, so today they violate the law and show that they can be tomorrow themselves who make the law and do not need to break it. See how they make it their own way!
In the Qur’an, Muslims have a verse that God gives to Prophet David (PBUH): it is the inheritance of Badiou Salahon, and this means that the land of honor belongs to the righteous! And this is the exhortation that Muslims are Muslims, God has given them!
But this is an exhortation to God and the Prophet David, one of the Prophets of Uhudi, not Muslims?
Of course, as you say, you can look at the story, but Muslims regard all divine religions, especially Yehudids, and Prophet Moses (as) or David as a clean person chosen by God and attribute this gospel to themselves. !
Prophet David was one of the Prophets chosen by God and his name is very honorable among Muslims and Muslims, and they are highly respected by him and by other prophets!
How is it possible that Muslims respect other religions, and especially other prophets, but throw their missiles over Youdhi settlements and fight with construction in Israel and consider Yehudyans to be their first enemy?
The controversy between Muslims and Yehudhans, especially in Feltin, is about the freshness of the soil of Felestin, which the Yehudids occupied and occupied. And every day, with their unconstructive construction, they strengthened their footprints, and eventually they conquered Felestine. Initially Immigrants were like the European day of the day and the interesting similarity, but these were the Yohodians who became the main owner of Feltin!
Yo Hedayan entered a land that had been driven years before, and this was their motherland and their ancestors!
If you want to look at the history of this issue, you will say a little bit right, but it is written in the Qur’an: When the Qur’a was settled in the Yahoudids in the land of Muod, there were people who were not at the hands of the Jewish Qasas, and were, and in fact, the main owners of the land And it’s interesting that these savage people were years old until even Jesus (as) appeared as a Prophet, and not the Ye-Hoodi fishermen, but other religious followers who migrated from their homeland over to South Iran and India And then they went to Australia. We do not want to discuss Rajah’s talk with divine or divine people!
But did you simulate the migration of Jews during the Second World War to Muslim immigration today?
Yes, there is little anyone who can not see the death of a Jew in the Second World War. The war that Hitler began with the main motive for anti-Semitism and the killing of the Jehudis, but many believe that this grudge of Christians was from Yoohudians, and that it was a kind of Zionist policy that defined the conditions To migrate to their ancestral lands and territories, and they wanted to be, they were taken to Felestin to reside and they became the owner of Felestin, and today they are the main proponents of it. And the fight of the Muslims considers Felestini as a terrorist!
But the countries of the world recognize Israel and this country has legal rights and its people are the towns of Vendians who have the right to live and reside?
Yes, because they did not create this right for themselves, but did the Israelis today not live in the open air? Did not have a home and a life? Housing and labor and capital? Why did they go to other places of residence and jobs?
Because in Europe, Hitler and his medicine were killed, and Milwaukee Jews went into burning blind people for this reason and settled elsewhere!
Of course, it is right for you, not me, but for any other Muslim, this does not deny you, but the question is, why did not return to their countries well after the war and did not build their homes and continue their normal life?
Because there was nothing left for most of them, Nazi Germany had destroyed everything!
I’m against you, many things have been destroyed, but many things have remained, including their lands, they could come and build, while they were building up and rebuilt, and they took away everything that they lost, and they still have it, but this time it’s not Only in Europe, but in their new country, which was the gift of the West of the West, they also lived in Israel, and the question is why, today, when there is no war and there is no need, these buildings are taking place, and Israel is bigger and bigger every day. Will be
Because Christians prefer the Johdans to return to their motherland, and they have the right to come from Africa or even Asia and Russia, and on the other hand, immigrant children are the first Israeli population to be in need of housing. Their first human rights are in Slayel! It’s not bad to know that Israel has also settled a lot of immigrants!
Yes, but if they returned to their country after a fight, then it would not be hard to bear it!
Which country did it take years to make Europe, and it would not be possible for the Yohohids of these major victims of the Second World War to live in tents all the time!
Excellent resettlement, build, live and own a child, and then they became independent statesmen in the heart of Muslim countries! So why do not the Muslims who are the victims of the war come to a country in the heart of the epoch after a while?
The Yohodians had to return to their homeland because of the global war and their killing by Hitler! And they settled!
Excellent of these motherlands that you say and cause and cause, as much as thinking that the emergence of the World War and the Yoohudians, and giving statistics of six million deadly people is a question for many Muslims and even Christians! And as This is the same Muslim disagreement with the Jews, which makes them take their machine guns to the Yoohudians too! And even today they oppose the settlements of the Jews.
Our subject is Arabs, not Jews, and especially the State of Israel?
It is perfectly correct and our subject is Muslim, but we are going to discuss it for one reason, and one of the most important reasons is the Jews, especially the state of Israel!
What could this have to do with Israel?
For example, we have seen that it was extremely difficult for Iran to be Iran-centered, even though we knew that Iran could not build a nuclear bomb, and if so, if the need was the same, The Americans, or even the Israelis themselves, ended up, but, after several years of sanctions and pressure on Iranians, they pushed for the majority of the Arabs and Americans who were worried about Israel’s security. How is the danger of the Islamic state of Iran dangerous to Israel, but ISIS and the Syrian civil war are not a threat to Israel, and you are not worried about the Islamicization of the Syrian state with the attitude of Islamists alongside Israel?
Iran was a country that even denied the integrity of Israel repeatedly, denying the flow of the Holocaust as well as the killing of the Jews. Every day, the sound of death on Israel is high. It has always had a problem with Israel, and it should be addressed with its nuclear issue, because There was a danger that the Israelis also threatened the world!
Iran has never been in danger and has not been saved. Iran is so overwhelmed by its economic problems and its turmoil that it takes more than fifty years to reach Iran before its Islamic revolution. But this same Islamic Iran was the most committed to the Americans and the Arabs in order to sell their most military weapons to the Arab countries of the region, which, according to the President of the United States, is eight times as large as Iran, especially Saudi Arabia, from the United States And this is what the people of Europe and Israel must keep in their hands, they are the real victims of this Western capitalist trade, among them who will make a black future for themselves and their children in Europe and even Israel. In fact, these days, Muslims are also suffering.
Iran has repeatedly stated its nuclear capability, and has repeatedly shown with missile tests that it could be a great deal of concern for the Euphrates?
Arau and especially Israel!
Yes, Israel too! Over the past years, the Israeli government has repeatedly shown its goodwill and even sat on the bench, but it was Hizbullah and Fatah who threatened Israel, and these were Iran’s fierce cities, Iranian rockets The Israeli defense has been caught and the Israeli people have been killed for many times! If this is not a danger then what?
Yes, Iran has no fear that it will co-host Hizbullah and Fatah, nor will it be financially financially, but will also give them free access to them. I do not deny this fact, and Lee says that Iran’s risk is less than ISIS or the government. Islamists are not in the neighborhood of Israel. Why did not the United States do anything about this, or why it is so involved with the issues, except in the course of the Kuwaiti conflict, the United States and its allies did not immediately attack Iraq, they did not release Kuwait, and then sweat Did not occupy?
On that subject, the properties of Iraq invaded another country, and Lee is now in Syria’s position as a domestic problem, and it affects the Syrians themselves, as well as Iraq and the problem of its civil war or Afghanis!
Excellent, it’s also possible to look at the issue, as long as the people of these countries themselves are carrying out their own weapons with the United States and the Americans, why should the troops of these countries intervene and be killed, these soldiers when they arrive That the oil is in danger and for whatever reason, the price or conditions of its offering would be compromised, and at that time, the lives of the innocent American soldiers or the Arabs, even Australians, are not important to be compromised and killed!
The war on oil is a dilemma that is not always mentioned by Muslims, especially Muslims in the Middle East, but did Afghanistan have oil?
Who knows, perhaps, but there are many mines that will be identified in the future, otherwise why the years of the former Soviet Union, then the West, and especially the United States, have had such a fairly comforting view, and Afghanistan is now in the West for another hundred years. And how does America pay off this debt?
It has not always been the West that started or fought for the Muslim civil war, for example, the war with Israel or the welfare of Yemen, a war that the Yemenites from which Iran is taking their place, and even Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries entered it. have became?
First of all, I say Gulf, not the Persian Gulf. This is the history of a country that should pay attention to it!
Good luck Gulf!
Yes, regarding the Yemeni war and the involvement of both Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries, I must say that it was a defined oil plan and also the power of the Arab countries for Iran, because firstly, the Western-made weapons that you are Arab and The other countries that have purchased this test will return their tests and we will not forget that these weapons are not only to be kept forever. Finally, they must be completed and become new weapons, and the same civil wars should arise. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia and its friends understand Iran that its gendarme period in the region is over and they are also powerful.
Why did not they enter the Saudi Arabia and its friends in Syria or Iraq, and they did not try their weapons and did not force Iran into Iran? In Iran, which has more influence in Iraq than Yemen?
Yes, it is not right for you to know that the emergence of the Taliban and Al-Qala’a were from the same sites of Saudi Arabia and Sunni Sunnis. There are also a number of hideouts behind the curtain of Saudi Arabia in the region, but Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries prefer Avoid the issue that the terrorists face in front of them in order to make their country more secure.
So why is Iran not so? Sardar Qasemi and other Iranian Revolutionary Guards generals declare their presence and presence, and even Americans believe in this presence and consider Iran’s role as a security for the region very important?
We must admit that Iran is a very important power in the region, and this power is due to the wealth of oil and its capital. Iran stood in direct conflict with the world for eight years. Over eight years Iran has endured major Western sanctions, and Iran with all These problems have had the most internal security over the years, and we are less likely to be bombed in Iran or terrorist attacks. There is a lot of security in Iran. On the other hand, its borderline with Iraq gives Iran the opportunity to have a valuable presence in Iraq, such as Saudi Arabia, which borders with Yemen, and that is why it has even invaded the country!
The security of the country is due to the mass killing of its citizens, and the severe repression and censorship that prevails in this country, and Iran not only helps its neighbors, but also Syria or even Lebanon.
Yes, this is in fact a strategy for Iran to divert danger from its borders and create the main front in Lebanon or Syria, and even Iraq, and in this situation it will create more security in its country. But censorship and killing in Iran are not declared to be political. Not all of these executions are political. Most people have been executed as political in Iran. Most of these people were smugglers and criminals!
In any case, they were executed, and that daily executions in Iran between three and five are terrible. It creates a kind of fear in society.
Security for the Iranian government is important and, therefore, it creates security at any cost!
Is this security that you say that you are killing religious minorities or imprisoning them?
Yes, I do not deny it, as far as I know, this is the case, and there is and is a secret dispute between the Shi’a and the Sunnah in Iran, but it is very weak.
This weak difference that you are talking about is extremely high, even in times of civil war, such as the current Kurdistan, or Sistan and Baluchistan, even the Turkmens, in the early days of the Iranian Revolution.
Yes, it was natural that, with the onset of the revolution in parts of Iran, they would ask for autonomy and declare war, but not rivals!
But do these riots still persist sometimes but strangled?
Of course, this is the security that I said in Iran!
What kind of security is it that every Wendy city will be killed or put to jail if its voice is raised, and its rights will be ignored?
In most countries this is the case!
Of course, in most dictatorial countries, not democratic, the number of these countries is also a handful.
Maybe it’s right for you, and the result of this democratic thing is that today, Europe faces a crisis in the name of Muslims who are thinking of the heart of Islamic Christian countries and want to use their democratic rights as a city and to live in Islam!
What suggestion do you have for solving these problems?
All problems can not be solved! Because people who are extremist or endanger their interests do not agree peacefully with people. They should not be low. Politicians who think about the security and peace of their fellow citizens, but the owners of big industries, especially military ones, including dissenters of peace Are global.
Peace and peace in the world, especially in Muslim countries, as well as in Asia and Africa, must be the lowest right of the oppressed and deprived of human rights and justice and equality in the world.
Do you think you’re up? What needs to be done with this problem?
I think nothing is done in Europe! Though in the not too distant future of each country, especially Britain, it decides to separate this integrated Europe and take control of its own affairs, and will not succeed in interfering with others in matters such as immigration from this category. . Although this is an excuse for separating from Europe, but they are not succeeding, only the most vulnerable will be, perhaps, some other countries will want to descend in a defensive lacuna and, apart from a united Europe They are ready to defend their castle in the country, but this does not happen from the outside and they are in trouble from within!
This is an ideal ideal that seems impossible?
Yes, but it should be hopeful and trying to do this, there were not a few people who were assassinated in this way, and not a few, who will be assassinated in order to remain justice and humanity in the world …
Continued on: August 29, 2015
تابستان گرم گرم و
فصل تابستان برای هرکس یک جوری شروع میشه ولی لامذهب برای فرد فرد ما یک دنیا خاطره به همراه دارد !
از آب بازی گرفته تا فوتبال بازی و عروسک بازی و خلاصه هنوز هم که هنوز است ریزو درشت آدمها با خاطرات تابستان زندگی میکنند از گرمای تابستان و میوه های تابستانی خربزه وانگور ، هندوانه و … اما راستش با آمدن فریزرو روشهای نوین کشاورزی دیگه نمی شه بگی این میوه تابستانی است وآن میوه زمستانی، بیشتر وقتها هرچی بخواهیم موجود است !
اما تابستان برای خیلی ها یعنی دوچرخه سواری و بازی توی کوچه و این روز ها بیشتر بچه ها در گیر دوچرخه هستند و زمانی است که پدران زیادی نشان بدهند که به قولشان عمل میکنند و بابت تلاش یک ساله فرزندشان دوچرخه را میخرند!برای همین بازار فروش دوچرخه ولوازم جانبی اش بسیار گرم است از تعمیر کار گرفته تا لوازم فروش لاستیک و تویوپ و خلاصه زنگ و زین تا … تابستان یعنی شبها دیر خوابیدن و روزها دیر پاشدن برای بچه ها تابستان یعنی سفر رفتن و دیدن اقوام و بازی با بچه های فامیل، تابستان یعنی شهرستان رفتن و خلاصه تابستان کلی موضوع دارد تابستان برای خیلی ها فرصت شغلی است و برای خیلی ها کسب درآمد دوچندان !
گرچه بیشتر مؤسسات و مراکز دولتی یا خصوصی در این ایام اقدام به برگزاری دوره های گوناگون فرهنگی ،هنری و یا حتی ورزشی می نمایند اما متأسفانه باید بگویم این بهترین ساعات و روزهای پرورشی بیشترین نیروهای ارزنده یک کشور مانند ما به هیچ گرفته میشود و صد افسوس که اگر بد بینانه نگوئیم نابود میشود به هیچ گرفته میشود و به درستی از آن بهره مند نمی شویم.
جای تأسف دارد که حتی مساجد و پایگاه های بسیج هم بدلایل مشکلات مالی از این فرصت عالی انسان سازی به عنوان یک منبع مالی می نگرند .در صورتی که چقدر شایسته و لازم بود که بدلیل کم بود های پرورشی که در طول سال تحصیلی شامل حال دانش آموزان است لااقل در تابستان این موضوع با همتی عالی توسط مسئولین مربوطه کارشناسی می شد و برنامه های جذابی که برای کودکان ،نوجوانان و جوانان لازم و بایسته است به انجام میرسید.
گاهی وقت ها مامتوجه نیستیم که با هزینه نکردن اندکی برای نسل آینده ساز کشورمان، چه لطمه بزرگی در آینده به پیکره جامعه واردمی سازیم .
بد نیست بدانیم مدرسه تعطیل میشود اما تربیت نباید تعطیل شود .
سالیان سال است که این گونه بحث ها مورد توجه کارشناسان بوده و دلسوزانی هم این موارد را گوشزد نموده اند اما همیشه آخرین روزهای تابستان برای جماعتی که حق و حقوق بررسی و کارشناسی موضوع را گرفته اند شیرین تر از بچه ها خواهد بود!
خیلی از خانواده ها با رسیدن تابستان عزا می گیرند که چگونه اوقات فراغت فرزندانشان را پر کنند و بطور کلی هزینه شرکت در کلاسهای مختلف را از کجا تأمین نمایند بسیاری از استعداد ها نابود می شود و بسیاری حتی به نقطه کشف هم نمی رسد.
جعفر صابری
جعفر صابری/حالا دیگه وقتشه
جعفر صابری/حالا دیگه وقتشه
آیا میدانستید که 1583979هزار نفر عزیزان افغانستانی مهمان کشور دوست و برادرشان ایران هستند!آیا میدانستید 11 هزار نفر از ایشان دانشجویان دانشگاه -های ایران می باشند !آیا میدانستید 36 هزار نفر دانش آموز افغانی در مدارس ایران تحصیل میکنند !آیا میدانستید دو هزار شهید در زمان دفاع مقدس عزیزان افغانی ما بودند .غریب به 2درصد جمعیت ایران را همین عزیزان افغانی تشکیل میدهند و به ترتیب تهران ،خراسان رضوی،اصفهان ،کرمان و استان فارس بیشترین درصد پناهندگان افغانی را در خود جای داده است .بله از این میان 53 درصد مرد و 47 درصد زن می باشند.و آیا میدانید ایران جزو اولین کشور هایی است که بالاترین درصد پذیرش پناهندگان را دارا می باشد!
متأسفانه در بیشتر کشورهایی که پناهندگان در آنجا اسکان دارند حتی کشور های پیشرفته غربی و اروپایی ما شاهد رفتار های غیر اخلاقی و گاه غیر انسانی میزبانان شان هستیم و شوربختانه گاهی هم خبر دلسوزانه ای را از داخل کشور ایران می شنویم که تمام تلاشهای مسئولین بویژه مردم مهمان نواز ایران را زیر سؤال می برد درست دراین ایام من در کشور تاجیکستان بودم و طبق یک برنامه تعریف شده برای یاری به سازمان پناهندگان جهانی که در این کشور است مشغول بودم و به دلایلی فقط میتوانم بگویم عزیزان زیادی از افغانی ها نیز در این کشور بعنوان پناهنده بسر میبرند و با کمترین شرایط ممکن زندگی میکنند کار برای پناهندگان ممنو ع است و بیشترشان زنان بی سرپرست و کم سوادی هستند که برای تهیه معاش بی نهایت دچار مشکل هستند و زندگی سختی دارند ،البته سفارت افغانستان در این کشور به آنها کمک هایی را می نماید اما علی رغم کمک های جهانی باز مشکلات ایشان بسیار است و من تلاش میکردم تا قبل از هرچیز امید به زندگی و داشتن یک برنامه کاری در طول روز را برایشان تعریف کنم و همینطور بتوانم کاری کنم تا از کمترین امکانات، بهترین باز دهی را داشته باشند .
ما باید بپذیریم که جهان امروز با تمام گستردگی که دارد کره بسیار کوچک خاکی است که انسانهایش چاره ای جز یاری رساندن به هم ندارند .ما باید قبول کنیم اگر به انسانی که امروز نیاز دارد…
اگر یاری نرسانیم شاید او در آینده بدلیل مشکلاتی که پشت سر گذاشته به دنبال انتقام از دیگران باشد و خطراتی که جامعه بشری را در آینده تهدید می کند از امروز باید چاره سازی و بررسی گردد .
تحصیل ،خوراک ،پوشاک ،وداشتن سقفی روی سر ،از اولین حقوق یک انسان است که همه مردم جهان باید به فکر تأمینش برای نیاز مندان باشند.
شاید من نتوانم زندگی کسی را تغییر دهم اما بدون شک ما می توانیم زندگی یک نفر را تغییر دهیم پس با هم باشیم و قدم برداریم هرچند قدمی کوچک ،با ید قبول کنیم که حالا دیگر وقتش است از اطرافیان خودمان شروع کنیم اقوام، دوستان، آشنایان ،همسایگان و همشهریان و هموطنان و آنها که به ما پناه آورده اند و نامشان پناهنده است .
یا حق
جعفر صابری
دوشنبه پایتخت تاجیکستان

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